Hello, I've recently moved into an old cottage in Shropshire and standing about 1 metre from the rear corner of the house is a large Eucalyptus tree. I'm not sure how old it is but its approx 30' tall and the trunk is 8-10" in diameter. I'm planning an extension on the back of the house and am concerned how this tree may affect the foundations of the new build and in fact the existing foundations to the house. Is the tree likely to continue to grow and grow as I understand they are a fast grower.
Some kinds shoot right up, 3m may not be very large or old at all for the type it is - cider gum, for example is a favorite 'hardy' gum in UK. These may grow metres per year. If the tree is a cause for concern and is a fast-growing one like this it might be best to remove it, replace with a youngster elsewhere on the property (if you would like to have another).