This thread is in response to today's Botany Photo of the Day. The attachment is a close up of Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. niphophila inflorescence. The tree was planted in Langley about 6 years ago and has proven to be hardy so far. I would have commented on the Botany Photo of the Day post directly, but would not have been able to attach this picture.
That's great Chris! I have about a dozen Eucalyptus species growing on our property and four species are flowering now. E. nitens, E. pauciflora ssp. debeuzevillei, E. kybeanensis (just finishing) and E. pulverulenta. Thanks for the fine pic. LPN.
Might be a bit late now, Chris, but give it a try. I've just enabled the <img> tag for comments on BPotD.