Eucalyptus Leaves Browning...

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Paulina, Apr 3, 2006.

  1. Paulina

    Paulina Active Member

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    Upper Fraser Valley, Beautiful British Columbia!
    My Eucalyptus Niphophylla has been in the ground for about 3 weeks now and seemed to be doing well, but now the leaf edges are browning and the leaves are getting brownish spots on them, is it too cold out for it? What can I do to protect it or strengthen it?
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    If it got in on that last cold spell it may have frozen. Recent plantings that haven't had time to root out much may not be much more capable of coping with penetrating frosts than if they were still in a pot. Otherwise it may be too wet or have been burned by fertilizer. At any rate it is probably a goner if it is turning brown, even if just having the leaves only burnt by cold winds you will have to wait for it to recover. Also: gums are raised from seed and vary in hardiness from one seedling to the next, possibly you happened to get one that is at the more tender end of the tolerance range for that species--another factor pointing to replacement with a fresh specimen.

    Plants of less than ironclad hardiness are best planted in spring, after frosts are past. Always mulch well after planting. Wood chips are good. Keep them off the stem.

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