I would like to espalier a fig tree along my back fence. Any tips for doing this? What is the best varietal to use for this purpose? Thanks Barbara
Hardy Chicago would be a good choice. A south facing wall would also be helpful. Make sure the soil is well drained. Fig roots can rot in constantly saturated soil.
Thanks for your prompt reply. I have a very sunny spot that is well drained. I forgot to mention that I live in Vancouver BC. Is this variatal still the best choice. I'm looking for maximum fruit. Thanks Barbara
I saw that you were in Vancouver before i replied. I chose Hardy Chicago for you because of its hardiness. There are hundreds of varieties. You may want to do some research before you choose. Less hardy figs will die back to the ground each winter and grow from new shoots at ground level. Brown Turkey is another hardy fig and there are a few more. You get more figs from some varieties by pruning them to around 3 feet. I just started growing and collecting figs myself a few years ago. I have about 20 now. It's addicting : ) Do a little reading: http://figs4fun.com/basics.html