A superb native plant (bulb)! Visit these at Honeymoon Bay Wildflower Reserve vic. Lake Cowichan Vancouver Island. We were there April 9 2005-- a few pink fawn lilies out, along with some Trillium erectum. So, cooler site than UBCBG--see date on our photo. Another visit on April 20 2005, E. r. were in flower en masse. Companion plants are Trautvetteria caroliniensis, false bugbane and Veratrum viride, among others. HBWR is a unique site-- walk through conifers to stunted moss-laden Acer macrophyllum (so no big leaves at E. r. flowering time just opening A. m. buds or flowers). Site is not a wide low-level floodplain rather a narrow band raised (1 meter?) above the river. Crammed with E.r. or I'm a pink fawn! I could hardly say, "Or my name's not Lily!" , 'cause it's not. It's the Thai word for soup--Tom!