A sunny day,how great is that! This is the fourth year for the eremurus bulbs and they refuse to flower. Any suggestions? Thank you, Aileen
I can only say I sympathize. I have tried them (years ago) and never had any success. I know they are subject to late spring frosts and should be covered at that time with a mulch of some kind. Those roots are very delicate and need alot of room. Having said that...I have seen pictures of them in bloom in others' gardens and they look fabulous. Hope someone else will contribute more information as I would like to try them again myself.
I have read somewhere that it takes 4 to 7 years to flower from seed but I don't suppose you started from seed. The purchased bareroot planted in the Fall have always flowered the next Spring for me. It could just be that you got a less mature bulb or corm. Those awkward roots are not as delicate as they look, you can cut them down to stubs and they grow back.
Like the tulip, a steppe flower that may be seen growing widely spaced over an otherwise barren landscape in habitat photos such as those in Phillips & Rix BULBS book. Likely not much tolerant of shading or crowding, if you have trees or shrubs casting shadows over yours that is perhaps the problem right there. A small corner of a Skagit County, WA farm field (Best Road, near the turnoff to La Connor) is planted to these, the site is wide open.
Well, that certainly at least answers MY problem...a crowded woodland garden. I guess I will NOT try them again.
I did have a clump that flowered well in a location receiving full sun from dawn till about 2 p.m.. But one thing I know now, but did not know then, is that they like well drained soil - ours succumbed from poor drainage.