Does anyone have experience with keeping Equisetum hymale in standing water, in pots? I'm in Zone 6-ish, would like to keep them in a man-made pond, keep them all winter (possibly drain the pond if necessary). I have about 16" depth of water (10 to 12" from top of pot to surface of water). Would Equistem hyemale work well? Thanks -
Usually grows on river banks; it will tolerate inundation, but not permanently. Water Horsetail Equisetum fluviatile would be much better adapted to the conditions you want.
Scirpus might be OK, but Typha is too vigorous and aggressive for garden pond use, it'll likely choke the pond out in 2 or 3 years.
Hi, I have a small species of Typha, Typha minima, for a couple of years now and it is very well behaved (it is contained within a mesh pot). Grows to 50cm with me. Also I have Equisetum hymale growing in a pot standing in a tray of water. It seems happy enough. For your pond, perhaps you could stand a pot with the plant on top of an inverted pot (or something similar) so that the soil surface is above the water surface. I have no idea how it would survive your winters...I am in zone 10a/b...frost is what we get in freezers! My fern book says zones 2- 10. Boa sorte Brian