Hi everyone: I was told recently that I can use epson salts mixed at a rate of 4 pounds per hundred gallons of water rather than the much more expensive option of a premixed magnesium foliar spray. does anybody know anything about this and if so do I apply it to the soil or as a foliar spray? thanks larry
Yep, just don't over use it. Our local nursery just sells Epsom Salts rather than the more expensive concoctions. I'm not sure about your measurements but the last time I bought the stuff there were mixing instructions on the bag.
wouldn't it be wise to get a soil test done and see if it is only magnesium that is defficient? I was always tough that if you are following a good regular fertilizer regime these defficiencies are not that prevalent. Also that roots are the major feeding aparatus in plants not leaves. foliar spraying may aleviate the symptoms now but not correct the underlying problem.
I absolutely do have a lot of work to do to correct the soil, and the drainage, and the trellises, and the weeds etc. etc. the person who was caring for these vines until last month did nothing except pull weeds. for now, until the fall I am only trying to get these vines through the season and am taking measures to correct problems as they arise symptomatically. thanks a lot everyone larry