My sister was given an epiphylium and I was able to get a leaf from her to start my own, after many years looking for one! I now have 2 new little plants growing at an astonishing rate. But I see they are attached to leaf with no roots. Haven't been able to find out where to go from here. Do I just plant them in regular houseplant soil? Will they grow roots, do I plant the leaf they are attached too? SO many questions, so few answers of my own. Does anyone have any experience with epi's? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Marilyn
epi's are epiphyte's which means they grow on other things (trees, etc) and don't necessarily need soil, per se. regular potting soil is much to heavy for them...use orchid mix (shultz's makes a good one) and add in just a small amount of regular soil as that will retain a bit of the moisture and the roots will need that. many people also mount them onto big pieces of cork bark or totems so that they can grow in a more natural manner...mosses are used to retain moisture around the roots if you do it that way. put the leaves into the soil medium and allow them to root - it may take a while or it may go quickly. the conditions of the location would be a factor...more heat and humidity equals more growth. proper growing medium also affects how quickly the roots form as well as how frequently you water and/or mist the pieces. they're generally pretty easy-care...water or mist frequently enough to keep the roots moistened (not totally soggy); keep in a spot where it stays warm (no lower than 60 at a minimum); provide a bit of humidity (either with daily misting or leaving a small dish of water nearby) and allow it to get fairly bright indirect lighting and your plant should be pretty happy!
Thanks so much for the information, Joclyn. I grow orchids so have right soil mix.! The plants are growing very fast so will get them potted up right away! Marilyn
oh, it should do very well for you, then, since you already have orchids and they're very similar in their needs!!