Hi, I just received a new orchid, called "Epicat 'Lavender Lass'". Having never had an Epicat before, I'm wondering if anyone knows of the appropriate care or can point me in the right direction. I think Epicats are part Epidendrum and part Cattleya? Not sure if I should favor one over the other in terms of care? It's a very lovely plant, not as reedy as most Epidendrums but with tiny lavender flowers similar in shape to Epidendrums... Unfortunately, when I received it, it was potted in potting soil (ew) so I've repotted it with a basic orchid bark mixture, but it seems to have a black spotted fungus growing on the undersides of the leaves. It is flowering beautifully, and even has a keiki, so I think it's still healthy... Any help/advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Epicats are Epi x Cattleya; they've got the lovely bloom habit of Epis and the easy care of Cats. More sun than you think it needs, and let it dry out between waterings. The fungus is likely from its tenure in the dirt; extra sunlight and letting it dry out a bit may help that to go away. Once blooming has ceased you can separate the keiki (but of course you know that.) Can you post a pic of the blooms? They're so lovely that it would be a shame to have a thread on Epicats without photos.