Spring is here, what is the most exiting about UBC BG? There are my favourites. 1. King of my visit. Illicium anisatum. I didn't know that it is so early blooming plant. 2.Staphylea holocarpa var. rosea, it is not in bloom yet but for sure I cannot miss it next time. Staphylea holocarpa var. rosea | Botany Photo of the Day (ubc.ca). This year it is much later 3. Two magnolias, just perfect time to see them so beautiful Magnolia sargentiana and Magnolia sprengeri 4.Camellia japonica cv. Kingyo-Tsubaki. It is probably the only camellia which cultivated more for leaves than for nice flowers. 5. Lots and lots of Rhododendrons and more coming, my favourite are Rhododendron parmulatum 'Ocelot' with strips and Rhododendron triflorum subsp. triflorum with elegantly narrow bright green leaves and small delicate pink flowers.
Lucky you! Spring certainly isn't here, and no prospect for the next 2 weeks, either. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21915774 (spot the electricity poles, ¼ way through in the clip!) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21910180 (higher than the digger's roof! ½ way through in the clip)
Michael, so sorry about all that snow. Here are more spring flowers. Maybe you should come visit. I caught the Magnolia sargentiana Var. robusta tonight just before 7pm, when the colour wasn't washed out by all that pesky sunshine. The flower photo is from earlier in the afternoon. Nadia didn't post my favourite rhododendron - R. barbatum, which this year doesn't seem to be doing barbs. I found one barb. This is Rhododendron calophytum, with large flowers and very long narrow leaves. The Rhododendron 'Rosevallon' was a featured plant today. The leaf backs are a wonderful purple colour, but not fuzzy. Also featured at the entrance was this Sorbus megalocarpa, still with fruits from last year. We haven't noticed this Lindera praecox before. Now I'm eager to see the leaves. Here's a graceful Berberis sanguinea, also with fruits from last year.
Thanks! Wish I could. Our forecasters have just put spring back at least another two weeks, they're saying it's going to stay cold for another 30 days minimum :-( Oh, and it's snowing right now.