HI, I seem to recall reading that when a new spear partially opens and then seems to "freeze" and not fully emerge yet, that it is due to shock. Is this correct? I bought this palm at a recent plant sale. The new spear came up, started to open, and then seems to have stopped 1/3 the way open, for at least 2 weeks now. It is not even completely up out of the crown, but seems to have started opening a bit early, then simply took a break! I am hoping the nice, new, hot weather may help to coax it out to completely open. Is there a mineral deficiency here? I think it might be due to shock as it was not grown locally, thus traveling to a new climate? Suggestions welcome! thanks
Hi, It is a Butia Capitata that I posted pictures of a few weeks ago when the fronds appeared to have suffered some cold damage, much to my surprise. I had planted it when I THOUGHT spring was upon us, only to be hit with that surprise late winter snow......I figured the unexpected hail and snow so soon after I planted it damaged it. All the responses I received indicated it looked like cold damage and that it would survive. Now, it seems to have paused in growing and the newest spear is half open, halfway out of the crown... I seem to have read somewhere that is a sign of stress....is that true? Is that connected with the cold damage and will it recover once it gets used to the lovely new, warm weather? I seem to have planted it by fluke, at the worst time! Again, here is the sad picture taken last month.. Help! What can I do? I want to save it! thanks
I had a similiar probelm with my Washingtonia robusta where the frond seems to stop halfway. But because of the hot Spring we had so far the new frond seems to be growing faster then the frond before it. Hope that makes sense. I am not sure what causes this to happen, but it could be stress. "Maybe the Palms wanted a vacation." LOL. Tom24