Emerald Cedar Hedge Disease or ???

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by mrichter, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. mrichter

    mrichter Member

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    Duncan, BC
    hello all, i am new here and new to being a home owner...i recenetly (February) planted an emerald cedar hedge of 9 trees that are 7' high to start. we have very dense clay where i live in Duncan, BC, but where i purchased the trees at a local nursery (Dinter's), they said that it should be fine. i planted the trees with bone meal and miracle gro...and tons of water (approx. 2 hours of water everynight with a lawn sprinkler). i also made sure the crown of the rootball was fairly level with the surface and have had bark mulch around the base since the beginning.

    what i am seeing now, is one tree on the end is completely golden brown now, and one tree has a large portion of dead branches (you can see it in the pics) as compared to the rest of the trees that are starting to look the same as the one that is completly golden brown...this issue just started approx 3 weeks ago when the weather started to heat up...i went to Vegas for a week and it was the same temp here as it was there (35 C) and i didnt have anyone to water, but since i have been back, it has been the same routine of water everynight

    anyways, enough rambling...can anyone identify the issue by the pics supplied...anyhelp would be great...i would rather try to save them then have to take them back to Dinters....

    PS i also have a Leyland Cypress hedge that without bragging...is doing very well and with little to no care at all when planted in similar clay like soil...and i barely water it....the 3rd pic is of those trees, and they look nice and green

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