I was going to title this "mushroom in focus" and post it for appreciation. I don't know that I really need an ID for it. I so seldom get a mushroom photo in focus that I didn't bother getting much information. If I remember correctly, it was around 10cm long, and there seems to be a maple in the area. It's in the front yard of an apartment building in a densely-populated area of the city (the West End). Maybe a general term for it would be good enough. I'm not sure that I've seen one of these before.
That's an excellent photo. It will be interesting to see what those fungi do next. I know what you mean about getting a mushroom photo in focus and submit exhibit #1 to show that I have a similar difficulty. I think mine may be a puffball because there are so many around here though not quite like this one (about 2 inches across). I will be watching to see what it does next. With the rain we've had lately, I think we'll be seeing more/earlier mushrooms this year.
Hi @wcutler - yours appears to be a Chlorophyllum, likely C. rhacodes, shaggy parasol. Very graceful looking mushroom.
Hi @Margot - agreed looks like a member of puffball group- likely a Scleroderma sp. Unless of course it has a stem :-)