If you don't know already, Ecuagenera has opened a walk in retail nursery in Florida. My friend Michael and I went yesterday. It was very promising. They had a lot of very cool Ecuadorean orchids, and some aroids. They were receiving a shipment of over 1500 plants today. Those plants will be available for sale in about 2 weeks. I got these cool orchids...Lepanthes tentaculata, Maxillaria pseudoreichenheimiana, and Psychopsis sanderae. Also Philodendron rugulosum (normal form), Anthurium weberbaurii, Anthurium vanderknaapii, and Philo wendlandii.
Wow, nice haul! I'm so jealous, wish we had somebody up here with interesting aroids. A rare Anthurium here in Washington state is "pink" instead of "red". Ugh!
I was very entertained by the recent story in the NY Times covering the IAS show and sale, and interviewing Enid of NSE. The entire article basically turned out to be about her. If you haven;t read it its worth a Google