Hi dont know what it is except that its a tree about 13 feet tall. ftp://ftp.sonic.net/pub/users/sadiedad/DSC01686.JPG Also I didn't think it was eatable cause i didnt see the scars on the fruit from birds.I did however see a bird grab a whole piece and drop it on the ground.I'd say there about the size of a blueberry and have a pit.Pretty flesh looks real eatable but small.
Are we looking at a laurel's fruit? Mudd I'm not sure what we are looking at. I think were looking at Laurel fruit but I'm not sure. I don't think this fruit is edible? What do other folks think?
Thank you Bleeding heart you may be right i did some searches on that name and found this ->http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/prla3.htm And reading about it under info link it says "Ingesting wilted leaves, broken twigs, and broken fruits pits may cause cyanide poisoning." Smart bird I guess!