Hi everyone! Do you know good eatable juglans or nut trees/bushes that thrive well in boreal climate? I know at least some: Siberian sembra Makedonian pine Manchurian juglan Hassel --- Toni
Pinus cembra Pinus sibirica Pinus albicaulis Pinus flexilis Not worth growing Pinus peuce for food, the seeds are too small to be worth eating.
Great thanks!! :D What about juglans? Do you know any for boreal climate? Or good bushes other than hassel? --- toni
What do you mean by boreal, what's the minimum temperature In my town in Québec minimal temperature is -38C But minimum temperature is only one of the many factors that influence rusticity of trees I have sow juglans nigra, juglans cinerea, juglans ailanthifolia var cordiformis, juglans mandshurisca, castanea dentata, pinus koraiensis, Quercus macrocarpa, xanthoceras sorbifolium, etc,etc Some of these secies are at the limit and are be injuried by the frost but survive If you search nuts and seed for sowing i know some sources http://www.treeshrubseeds.com/ I have place an order last year and im very satisfied http://www.lafeuillee.com/ its in french but it offerd only very rustic trees And some nursery specialized in nut trees from Canada http://www.grimonut.com/ http://www.nuttrees.com/ And a site on tree sowing and cultivation in french www.arboquebecium.com I hope one of these link could help you cf
If you don't regularly go below -29C in the depths of your winter you can also try Almonds; the cultivar 'Hall's Hardy' is reportedly very good.
Sorry, nowhere near enough summer heat in Finland for Almonds. Juglans mandshurisca would be worth a try and will be hardy, but it too I suspect will need more summer heat for good nut production.