I live on Vancover Island . Because of the early spring conditions I've seen the trees start budding in January . If I were to prune Fruit Trees at that time , wouldn't I be running a risk of frost damage . Seeing it's common to get frost in February even as late as mid March , Or are my fears un-warranted ?
Thin in January, head in July. Have at it--after noting the following proviso: "Do not top or severely head back branches (leaving stubs more than 3/4-inchdiameter). Topping causes excessive branching, which increases shading in the tree and promotes disease. Keep trees open with good spacing between branches. Spreading or tying down branches is often better than pruning." http://gardening.wsu.edu/library/best002/best002.htm
Thank you Plant Expert for your advice . I will get at it right away . I appreciate your help , being a wannabe Gardener .