Edgeworthia chrysantha. One of my favourite winter flowering shrubs. Edgeworthia chrysantha. - Google Search
An interesting fact about this came up on twitter just yesterday - look closely at the branching structure! Scott Zona, Ph.D. on Twitter
Yes, it always has branches in 3's. The branches are so flexible that you can tie them in a knot. Years ago in Japan it was used to make high quality bank notes. I have seen a book printed on Edgeworthia paper. The flower buds start to form in the autumn/September and hang demurely, only opening in the spring. I love the way the flowers open individually starting on the outside and work their way into the centre..until all flowers are open. I cannot help taking masses of pics of it....see below Too cold here in Scotland to grow it we bought a fab one....tried it in a pot in a conservatory. It was not happy and we ended up donating it to another more sheltered garden. There is also one with red flowers but is no where near as beautiful from a distance.....Edgeworthia Chrysantha 'Red Dragon Search: edgeworthia | Flickr
Yes, that was mentioned in the BPotD I linked to. Scott Zona's habit photo is really good. As are a lot of his Twitter postings. Help get me away from there!