I have had my Yucca for 8 years. It has tripled in size. This past year it has been dying and I am not sure what to do. I would really like to save it. It stays indoors since I live in Canada. It is placed to the side of a north-east facing window. I have attached a picture. Thank you!
Since you're growing it indoors, I've moved this to the Indoor and Greenhouse Plants forum. For one thing, it's a plant that naturally grows in full sun, so it's not too happy being off to the side in a north-facing window. So it has grown very lanky now and probably does not want to support such unnatural growth. I would take cuttings just below where the leaves are and push them into new pots of soil. Then I would cut the remaining stalks down to maybe four inches and see if they do anything. It's done pretty well for the conditions you're giving it. If you can renew it every several years, that may be the best you can expect.
Thank you Wendy for your reply. Just want to make sure I understand your directions clearly, which I will follow. 1- Take cuttings from just below the leaves are and push them into new pots of soil Questions: ( Cut all leaves Off ?) ( what kind of soil? ) 2- Cut the remaining stalks down to maybe four inches and see if they do anything Questions: ( Stalks as in shoots where the leaves grow out of and NOT the Trunks?) ( I have read in other posts that they recommended cutting the trunks down and replanting them in fresh pots, so I wanted to make sure this wasn't what you meant) ( I have also read in this forum on similar posts that I should check the roots for rot, is this something I should also do? ) Thanks Again Mario
1. Your cutting should have a bunch of leaves, then under them a bare stem of around four inches that will go into the soil. 2. Sorry. Trunks. I probably wouldn't have bothered to check the roots, but I suppose it couldn't hurt. The bare trunks will need less water than when there were the long branches with leaves, so be careful to not overwater that pot. I don't know about replanting them. It seems that cutting off all their leaves is already enough trauma without their having to endure repotting as well.