I have two peach trees in the back yard of the rental house I live in. Last summer they were both full of lovely, small, sweet peaches. Unfortunately the peaches were mostly ruined by worms of some sort. I was going to look into what organic treatment I could use, even emailed some organic peach growers (this is my first day on the UBC site, or would have come here), but the trees took another turn. One appears completely dead this summer, the other has some branches with green leaves and even produced some fruit; the rest of it looks dead. I've been told termites have killed the other tree and are working on the second. This told to me by a longtime southerner, though not a plant/tree enthusiast. These are large trees and likely fairly old. I'd like to save the one if I can, but have no earthly idea where to start, hence this post :) Neither appear to have ever been pruned, and of course I've no idea about that either. I'd appreciate any advice offered, thank-you for reading.
Hi--no peach expert here, but didn't see any other advice, sooo... Growing up with a very productive peach tree in our front yard, my dad's advice was always to prune them heavily, to keep new productive wood coming, and to avoid the topgrowth "exhausting" the tree. He said that peaches are otherwise quite short-lived trees, I guess they can kinda burn themselves out or something...without intervention with consistent heavy pruning. So, I guess I'm thinking these old trees are beyond helping, having been neglected. Bright side with peaches is that even very young trees can start fruiting, the flip side of their short life spans... And aren't you in peach heaven there...Georgia peach...sounds familiar! (smile)
Thank-you so much for responding, growest. I was beginning to wonder if I would receive any replies. Indeed these trees have been neglected; I'm still hoping to save the one if at all possible. Please, readers, any information at all would be much appreciated!!