Dying leaves on 'Wolf Eyes' Kousa dogwood

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by bfish, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. bfish

    bfish Member

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    Petersburg, VA USA
    I wonder if any of you have any idea what could be causing leaves to die on my Cornus kousa 'Wolf Eyes'?

    The leaves are washing out with the green part turning paler, sort of a yellow green, with some light browning on the edges. Their texture seems to thin also. It's occurring on a few, not all branches. The tree has been healthy up to now; a lollipop-pruned B & B specimen planted about 6 years ago has shaped up nicely. The original root ball was red clay and it's planted in organic material-rich soil (below that is more clay).

    Surrounding ferns, hostas, etc. seem okay. Re: water -- it could be too much as it's rained a lot here this spring and summer, at least compared to our recent years of drought. The leaf problems are nothing like what is exhibited when the tree needs water. We don't spray anything in our garden and there are no discernible insects. The sun exposure is to the plant's liking and hasn't changed. I mention all these details to try to eliminate some of the potential causes of the problem.

    So far I've cut off a few branches where all leaves were clearly affected. Any and all suggestions are most welcome ---

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    It could be related to the formal shearing or it could be due to the dampness. Virginia Cooperative Extension may be able to help with a diagnosis.

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