i have had a key lime tree since 2006. It’s a great lime producer. We moved but still own the house and now, since the renters didn’t water it, the bottom branches (and I mean thick branches and all their twigs) are dead. It was only one area on one side on the bottom but now it’s all around the bottom...Is there any way to stop this? It does seem to have some sooty mold on one of the living parts...my brother and I planted it together on Thanksgiving so I really need for it to survive...Please help! I will post a picture next time I get by there. Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions.
I reply not as someone who has a particular experience with key lime trees but as someone who has occasionally dealt with water-deprived trees. You have identified the probable cause - lack of water. Such a shame! I assume the tree is growing in the ground and not in a container - otherwise, you would likely have taken it with you. Now, it seems, you are at the mercy of the renters to water the tree regularly. The trick is to give it enough water but not overdo it. If it were mine, I'd start by giving it a thorough watering and, assuming drainage is good, water it again and then again as it begins to dry out. Do not fertilize while it is ailing. Depending on the extent of the sooty mould (which could be a by-product of an aphid or a scale infestation), I'd consider manually wiping off the affected leaves. If the tree recovers, you can give this more attention. One battle at a time! You will likely need the co-operation of the renters to tend it as necessary . . . surely the prospect of a tasty crop would suffice?
If this is a question of life or death, then make sure, that you remove all the fruits and flowers currently on the tree.