Hello All, I need help. My brother gave my parents an indoor, potted Key Lime tree for Christmas 2013. The tree was doing quite well with leave and flowers. Once the end of summer came, we brought the tree indoors. In December 2014, the tree began to lose its leave...they were not discolored at all, and within 2 weeks, the tree was completely bare. Now, the tree seems to be dead, in the sense that there is no life on the tree itself. The advice given by a local nursey advised to pull the tree out to observe the roots. The roots are still damp and about the color of coffee with milk in it. Other advice given, was to prune tree and add 2 tablespoons of Epsom Salts when we next water the tree. We are heartbroken as my brother has since passed away and this tree gave us comfort in keeping his spirit alive.
Have a look at my reply in [thread=85389]this[/thread] recent thread as it pertains to a similar problem. It sounds like the roots may be all right. Are they firm and not mushy? As dt-van suggested, abstain from adding fertilizer until the tree starts to recover. I would also do the same with epsom salts. As this tree has special meaning to you, you may want to consider posting your question to a forum with a larger citrus audience. There are a number of knowledgeable people at Tropical Fruit Forum.
Also, remember to cut back on watering. The tree, with its loss of leaves, will need much less moisture. Allow the soil to dry somewhat between applications.