Dying Jade Bonsai

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Kaate1130, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. Kaate1130

    Kaate1130 Member

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    I received a Jade Bonsai as a gift, from the first week it started dropping healthy leaves. It seemed to have new growth for a short period of time and then it went down hill fast. I've had it for 2 months and it is down to no leaves, I called the shop it was purchased from and they suggested I completely let it dry out and place it outside in full sun for a few days. I am in Northeast Texas so I was a bit concerned because of the heat, but I did as I was told. I let it completely dry out and then watered it with the recommended mixture of Superthrive and water allowing it to completely drain before placing it on it's dish again. Now the outermost limbs are shriveling and only the main stem is still supple. Please help if at all possible so that I might save my plant.
  2. heli

    heli Active Member

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    Casper WY USA
    Sounds like what happened to my really huge jade. I think what happens is that they start to rot for some reason and there is just no way to stop it,So sorry to say, I was really bummed when this happened to mine. Sounds like you did all the right things though. If you find an answer to the problem, please let me know I'd like to save mine to.

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