I am a new user here and was looking for some free advice on our dying holly tree. I do not know what kind it is, but was planted as a pair some feet apart by the original owners of our home, I am assuming, around 1978 in southern Indiana in the U.S. I think it is dying and I need to know what to do about it. Any help out there?
Have any pics or other observations? Are leaves falling off? are they green or brown? What is the other Holly doing?
Tennyo, The tree is losing all of its leaves and is very sparse. It looks gray or frosted. The other holly tree in the pair is full, thick and green. any thoughts?
I have seen some seriously sick holly trees bounce back quick! Like 1 to 2 years, the sparceness not going to change for many years if it does come back. But getting it green again maybe. May I suggest it may have a bacterial blight, and anthracnose blistering the leaves? Copper in the fall and sulphur in the winter can do wonders, fertilize it and repeat every year. If only i kept before and after pics, of what copper and sulphur can do. I think I will get on that. I hope you have good luck with that holly,, Jim