For our community boulevard garden in a sunny dry location (Coquitlam B.C.)we are looking for easy-care plants and shrubs. Thanks for your suggestions.
Thanks for that great link Daniel. A very concise, yet thorough examination, with a good basic plant list and tons of reading material to check out. I noticed the knowlegeable and charming Wilf Nicholls listed as a contributor.
Aside from using drought tollerant plants, many gardeners forget that composting is also important for gardening in extremely dry conditions. I suggest using colloidal humus compost in any type of gardeing situation. This can be especially helpful in low water gardens because it greatly contributes to the strength and health of plants. colloidal humus compost has the advantage of saving or conserving moisture, providing esential nutrients to the plants, changing the chemistry of the soil and changing the physical structure of the soil, with low cost and low maintenance. Compost will need to be added annually at least because of microbial breakdown. I have information on how to easily create colloidal humus compost on my website if you would like to learn more. Hope that this information is helpful to you. Best of luck to you in your arid gardening adventure!