Hi there i have a dragon tree (dracaena family). About a week ago i read that if you cut off the leaves just below the leaves 2 or 3 new stems grow out. Now I did it and i kept the leaves in hope that they would grow into another plant. The stem itself is approx. 1.25 inches. How long should it take for new stems to grow? And will the leaves regrow into another tree? Thanks, Tom.
I guess it's too late now, but I would expect to see new stem(s) starting to grow in a week-month. Water very little in that time as there are no leaves to use the water. I guess your top is dead by now if you didn't find you answers elsewhere. Air-laying is the safest way, but you could try to grow it as a cutting... but I think that 1.25 inches is a little think for that. Michael
OK thanks the stems have come up it took about 2 weeks still trying to grow the leaves as a cutting in transparent gel but so far no luck. Thanks for the help though!