Top Tropicals out of Florida carries the yellow variety. They do not ship to Canada but that does not mean you are out of luck. As per their website: Shipping to Canada and countries other than the US Please read this important information carefully before placing your order. All international orders placed in shopping cart without our prior approval will be canceled. 10% (or $10 minimum) cancellation fee will be applied to canceled orders to all countries other than the US. We don't ship plant retail orders to Canada because of very high cost of handling (phytosanitary inspection, etc) and very low reliability of shipping live plants across the border. We suggest that if it is possible for you to have the plants delivered to a U.S. address where you can pick them up and carry them across the border yourself, you can receive your plants quickly and at lower cost. In this case, you are not required to get a phytocertificate. We have many customers in Toronto and Vancouver who do that. Please make sure to read rules and regulations governing plant importation to Canada. It's your responsibility to comply with these rules and regulations. Contact your local agricultural authorities if you have questions regarding these rules. They are a reputable supplier of tropical and exotic plants. Their website: As per the Canadian Food Inspection Agencies website: "...2.2 Import Requirements. The import of houseplants under these specified conditions must be for personal and non-commercial use only. For a shipment to be considered non-commercial, the total number of plants must not exceed 50 houseplants. The houseplants must accompany the importer at time of entry into Canada, in baggage or as part of household effects. This directive does not include mail and courier importations of the regulated commodities intended for personal use and these importations must meet the standard plant import requirements. Because the soil might be a source of quarantine pests, the houseplants must not be planted outside at any time even if they might not survive Canadian winters. Note: Houseplants of some plant species must comply with the CITES requirements (See section 2.6) 2.3.1 Houseplants for personal and non-commercial use from continental US. A Permit to Import or a Phytosanitary Certificate is not required, except if the houseplants are from SOD regulated areas (refer to policy directive D-01-01 for details on regulatory requirements)..." * Florida isn't SOD regulated area. It is not really as complicated as it order the plant from florida and have it shipped to a US shipping address (a UPS store or other shipping company). When it arrives, you (or someone else) drives down, picks it up and returns to Canada with the plant. Make sure you declare the plant and have the bill of sale ready. Your other option would be to contact Perry at Flora Exotica in Montreal and see if he can get any (he does have access to the red ones)
@Haidi: I don't know whether they grow true to type but yellow pitaya seed from supermarket fruit is easy to germinate. @pmurphy: Thanks for the interesting information. I didn't know houseplants were exempt.
It took a lot of reseach and communications with the CFIA to find out what can be brought into Canada and how to do it. As long as you are getting "houseplants" - something that will not be planted outside - you should have no problem bringing plants across the border......I have had several orders of plants shipped to Point Roberts in Washington state and then picked them up without any problems. FYI, you can always refer to the the Canadian Food Inspection Agencies AIRS (automated import reference system) to find out what you can bring in and what paperwork - if any - is required. As per my confirmation from the CFIA: There shouldn't be any trouble at the border, because the border agents would be using AIRS as their reference and all the requirements are in there. If you check HS code "060290-002299 Other - houseplants (houseplants, for personal use and not for resale, excluding chrysanthemum).", "Travellers and personal use...", from Washington, you'll see that it says the plants are approved. Good luck and happy plant shopping!