Dracaena Questions

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Mike Ellis, Sep 30, 2006.

  1. Mike Ellis

    Mike Ellis Member

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    Toronto, Canada
    Greetings all, first post on this board. I have a few questions about my Dracaena. Firstly I was hoping somebody would be able to tell me specifically what type it was. Secondly I'm trying to eliminate a pest problem I have, I think these are fruit flies but I could be wrong. I'm having some success with the adult stages using the yellow sticky strips but they don't seem to be getting all of them. I've been using a water/dish soap mixture on the leaves but am not sure how helpful this actually is. Any advice on attacking in a different manner is appreciated. Lastly I have noticed a number of small green balls in my soil of this particular plant, I've googled aroung to try and find out what they are but have been so far unsuccessful, I'm hoping someone can tell me what they are and if I need to get rid of them. There are quite a few and they seem to be in the top portion of the soil although they could be throughout. Thanks in advance for your input.

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  2. globalist1789

    globalist1789 Active Member

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    Welcome to the board,

    Its a Dracaena marginata commonly or "Madagascar dragon tree".

    It's not fruit flies, its fungus gnats. The trick is to water a lot less. The first couple inches of the soil dry out between waterings and the larva die.

    The little green balls are actually slow release plant food pellets. They where likely in a premixed potting soil or put in the pot at the nursery.

  3. Mike Ellis

    Mike Ellis Member

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    Toronto, Canada
    Thanks for the quick response. I will reduce my watering to see if that will help.

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