Dracaena marginata got lopped off by kittens

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by CannedAm, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. CannedAm

    CannedAm Member

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    Ontario, Canada
    My foster kittens just aren't patient enough to wait on the cat grass to grow. Found my dracaena on the floor at 4 am. Replaced the soil and moved it to the tub as I still needed more sleep. Someone left the door open and one stem has been pulled from the plant completely, another has a serious bend in it but doesn't seem to be broken at all.

    How do I go about replanting the stems? Should they have their own pots? (I have plenty of room in the pot that the draceana is in. It's using about 30% of the pot for its own root system.) Should I trim off the one that's bent right over, or should I perhaps tape it?
  2. Barbara Lloyd

    Barbara Lloyd Well-Known Member

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    Anacortes, Washington, USA
    Aren't cats cute? Don't wory about the Drac. Just cut the broken parts evenly on both ends. Add a bit of rootone or the like to the top and stick it back in the pot, keep moist not wet and it will re-root. The broken top of the old plant will produce one or more new tops in time. Watch the bent one and if it seems to be going south, if so, do the same to that.

    Go get some Nepeta, cataria (cat nip) or Nepeta Faassenii (cat mint). See if they like that. Some cats go nuts and some just ignore it. But, if they do like it, it can be really hillarious watching them. They roll on it, bat at it, eat it, or just carry it around and growl at anyone that comes near. Have fun ;)))) barb
  3. Tia Brown

    Tia Brown New Member

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    I know this is an old thread but I came across this while search how to fix my little dracaena tree. My cat just snapped the top off and i was so upset as it was my grandmothers plant that I got after she passed.
    Hope i can fix it!
  4. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    It should be be fine. Follow the advice in posting #2.

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