Dracaena - Help! Losing terminal leaves-no new growth

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by AliceKayV, Jun 18, 2006.

  1. AliceKayV

    AliceKayV Member

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    New Hampshire
    I have two dracaenas. One is a Ti-tree type with three "trees" in one pot. The other is a cordyline type, much smaller, with two in one pot. One of the Ti-tree types lost its terminal leaf (at the top), then eventually all its leaves, and appears to be dying. No new growth in a month. One of the smaller Dracaenas (cordyline) has lost its terminal leaf as well. Both these things happened right after I brought these plants home.

    We think the Ti-tree got bumped and maybe separated from its root ball. But we don't know why the smaller plant is not growing any new leaves at the top and has this small round hole in the top. Its mate (in the same pot) is doing beautifully. Also, the one with the hole at the top has not dropped any of its older leaves. I've had it now for about two months.

    Is there anything to do for either of these plants? And what causes this? Thanks.
  2. Rima

    Rima Active Member

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    Eastern Canada
    Have you checked closely for spider mites? They're so tiny you'll need a mag. glass or really good eyes under good light (on leaf backs) and look at where the branches meet the stem for tiny webs. If that's your problem, humidity must be pretty low and probably could be improved by putting the pots on wide trays of stones and water, but make sure the water never touches the pots so roots won't rot. If you want to get rid of them (you do!) spray the foliage hard with water (kitchen sprayer) allow to dry, then spray with Safer's Insecticidal Soap spray according to directions and do it again in 5-6 days and a third time a week after that.
  3. AliceKayV

    AliceKayV Member

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    New Hampshire
    Thanks for answering! No, there are no spider mites. But there is another clue to that. If there were spider mites, wouldn't they be likely to affect more than one plant in the same pot? In my case, there are three Ti-plants in one pot, only one dead one, the others are beautiful. In the other pot, there are two cordylines in the same pot, only one with no terminal growth, the other is beautiful. In this case, I'm sure it's not insects, but it never hurts to consider every option. So thank you very much! ;-)

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