I planted 5 Pink Double Knockouts a little over a week ago and a few of them are showing the following damage. I am unsure what is is and why it is happening. I put Bayer 3-1 rose care on after planting - could I have messed the rate up and burned them??? Any thoughts on what it is and what i can do to fix it would be appreciated.
I asked the wifey if she had done anything to them and she said she put down Epsom Salt from Espoma (she heard from a friend they were good for roses) which is true but could she put down to much and that be the problem... Thoughts....
Symptoms certainly could be from excess salts from the Bayer product and the epsom salts. The Bayer 3-in-1 I believe is a fertilizer/insecticide and coupled with another mineral fertilizer like epsom salts, could cause this type of damage; especially if more was used than the manufacturer's recommended application rate. Water heavily to leach out excess salts. Some recommend an application of gypsum as well to remediate salt affected soils, however this practice is debatable, and it is still important to irrigate heavily.
How are the pink knock-out doing now it did look like fert. burn . I am also having problems with my red knock-outs i have questions posted under "Help With Knock-out Roses."
Since the majority of the leaves look good, my guess would be spray burn. The brown/beige looking leaves look to me - crispy critters! If they were sprayed in Florida sun - that'll do it.. I'm almost certain if it were fertilizer burn, it would show on the entire plant. Still, it wouldn't hurt to water, water, water - just in case.