I want to apply a horticultural lime and oil Dormant spray on my apple tree. The instructions say to apply on a day where it is over 5 degrees celcius and danger of frost is past. When should I do this in Southern Ontario? I was thinking of the temp goes up to 3 degrees celcius for a couple of days it is fine...giving the tree ample time to dry.
No I would wait at least until the temperatures are confirmed to be above 5-10 celius... sometime in Late Feb?
I've done 2 treatments. This stuff smells HORRIBLE! the label on the "dormant oil" indicates "poison". I'm wondering how "organic" this dormant spray is? Is it necessary to "scrub" this stuff on the branches with a sponge/brush or something? I just sprayed it on and left it to dry.
I hope that you wore protective mask/clothing? Natural sprays can still be naturally poisonous to humans...based on the potency and source of the plant extracts... and I agree about the odor...not so nice... but your fruit tress will perform better, as will the crop too! A hot bath or shower is in order...and maybe a beer or a glass of wine? It warmed up to 15c. in the back yard today, and after accessing the winter carnage, I feel like moving to Panama!
I wore a mask the first time...the second I covered my moth and nose area with my shirt...the wind was blowing the spray away from my body, so I did not smell much of this. But my hands did smell after ward. It was 8 c here today. I never knew it benfited the crop. Enjoy your hot bath and glass of wine!
The hot bath was for you...lol, and the hands will clean well with lemon juice. The beverage was a treat after your labours....lol