I have three of these plants. I live in Florida and have not seen one of them before. I am sure it is not Castor. The castor bean has spiny shell, this has a smooth one on the bean.The castor plant leaves are green as well, this has glossy redish leaves. I am stumped!
Perhaps a cultivar or variation there of ... unlike any of the Ricinus communis I've grown. Nice one just the same. Cheers, LPN.
The latest one I have is 'Carmencita' which has a burgundy overtone, more leaflets (8 or more, all radiating from a central point) and very pronounced serration. Cheers, LPN.
Aha! How interesting! Here is Jatropha gossypifolia, which has similar glossy foliage: http://caldwellhort.com/graphics/featured-items/jatropha-gossypifolia-320w.jpg The "mystery plant" photo shows 3 divisions on younger leaves and seemingly 5 on older leaves. The Jatropha photo shows 3 divisions - wonder if the divisions increase on older leaves?
Thank You, with your info I did a little more research. It is Jathropha Gossypifolia, check it out http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/32205/
Just as I thought, it really didn't have the true look of Ricinus communis, or at least any I'd been familiar with in the past 20 years. Cheers, LPN.
It is notCastor plant, but it is closely related to it. It is 'Jatropha gossypifolia' of Euphorbiaceae family. Jatropha curcas is another species, seeds of which are being used for biodisel. For more info see http://www.gardentia.net/euphorbia_017.htm