This is a flowering vine in Los Angeles, Ca It sure is spectacular.
If you want to be more specific - looks an awful lot like Passiflora edulis (granadilla). If that's the case, then a round green fruit will follow; when this turns yellow it's ready for eatin'!
Ah, but the leaves.... Perhaps my P. edulis is atypical, however with leaves like that it may also be P. incarnata. In that case the fruit is called a maracuya. Equally tasty.
This passionflower looks a lot like Passiflora x belotii. It is a cross between P. alata and P. caerulea. I purchased one last year, which I think they mislabeled P. x Ensford Gem. The flowers are magnificent! If they do produce fruit it is always hollow, no seeds inside, even when cross pollinated with different varieties of Passiflora. I would include pics of P. belotii and P. edulis, however; computers are not my forte and I can't figure out how to attach a picture. As for P. edulis the flowers are quite a bit smaller and they are self pollinating. I have harvested many fruits that I have grown. To hasten fruit ripening I place them with apples and once they are wrinkled and deep purple, about one week, they truly are a taste of the tropical delight! Hope that this helps. I am new to this forum and look forward to learning a lot!
That's maracuyas, all right. Have you tried growing P. incarnata for its fruits? And have you ever encountered P. mixto (common Spanish name Taxo) ?