Does anyone know what species of Juniperus this is? Or perhaps it is not Juniperus. Its leaves are awl-shaped, all the way to the top of the tree; no overlapping, scale-like leaves anywhere. I took these photos today, November 15, 2020, in Vancouver's West End.
Ditto to Taiwania cryptomerioides. Strange place to see one! Bit sad though as I can't see it being allowed to stay there for very long, so close to a building and wires. Hope they'll at least move the wires elsewhere rather than mutilate the tree to accomodate the wires.
Thanks so much, Ron B and Michael F. I see that it grows into a massive tree, so I'm sure you are right, Michael, that it won't be allowed to stay there. I wonder what its history is.
Yesterday, I spoke to the guy who planted it at this rental building. He said he got it at The Alpine Gardeners of BC’s annual Spring sale in about 2002. He saw it and bought it for around $25. Most people didn't know what it was, and when he took it to purchase it, he was told it wasn't supposed to be for sale, but Wil said it was there among the items for sale and he was properly buying it. The building has a lot of plants in what you can see is a very small planting area. They did remove a magnolia that was growing between the building and the sidewalk on Haro, because of the roots. I don't know why it works at all for them to have this Taiwania where it is. I'm sure the city would not recognize it for being a tree of any interest, but I'd think it would be an issue for the building before it becomes a problem for the city. The photo is from Google street view. The people looking doing the plantings and looking after them are long-time tenants.