Identification: Does anyone know the name of this plant?

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by montrose03, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. montrose03

    montrose03 Member

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    Lathrop, CA USA
    My 8 month old puppy ate some of this last night and has been throwing up all night and some this morning. She is at the vet now and I think she will be ok( Hope!) But I thought it would help to know what it was she ate. I don't know if it is toxic. If anyone can tell me, I would really appreciate the info! Thank you!

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  2. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    that could be a huernia or a senecio or even a euphorbia. i'm not sure about the first two, i know the last one can cause issues. it might even be one of the hundreds of crassula's.

    i would duplicate your post in the plant identification forum as some people only look at certain subforums...i use the 'new posts' search function because i know this site can be more than a bit overwhelming when someone first joins and they'll post in the first logical spot they see - especially when in such a situation as this one.

    my first instinct is huernia - that plant looks very similar to one i have that i have a good id on. there are many plants, in different families, that can have similar look to them, though, so i might be wrong.

    if it is in the huernia family, it is likely poisonous - actually, the fact that the puppy vomited indicates that it is. hopefully, he brought it all up before it was able to be processed by his system.

    please, let us know how he is doing!!
  3. montrose03

    montrose03 Member

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    Lathrop, CA USA
    Thank you, your info helped me find Toad cactus/Starfish cactus. I'm pretty sure that's what it is. I found it listed on a site as "nontoxic", if so, that is good news. She is alert and up and around but still not interested in eating or drinking yet. Hopefully the medicine from the vet will calm her stomach!
  4. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    i'm glad she's doing better!!!! i'm sure she'll be back to her usual self in a day or two!!

    nice to know the name of the plant as well!! that's in the same family (asclepiadaceae) as huernia. yours, for the short/common/synonym name that most would be familiar with is 'stapelia'

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