Do you think this Acer palmatum is unique enough to be a new introduction? The leaves are for lack of better words variegated and they have almost a snake skin texture. This is my first year with the tree, it’s about 3’ tall and 1’ wide. The bark is green. It’s grown from a rooted cutting. A friend of mine discovered it and he has about 15 that all demonstrate the same characteristics. The oldest one is about 5’ tall and 2’ wide. Just wanted to put it out there to get some feedback from the forum. I will post a fall picture too.
Well it's certainly distinct in how hideously diseased it looks . . . personally, I think it would be improved by a dose of herbicide to put it out of its misery ;-) But then I'm well known for liking the natural wild type the best . . .
Well, if not beautiful, it is still interesting. I haven't seen any named cultivars that look the same, but maybe others have. I like the maples with a fastigiate and/or narrow growth habit for growing in containers, do you have some photo's of the whole tree?
Thank you all for your feedback! I agree it is not beautiful, but I think it is very cool and unusual. The leaf shape and color pattern is unlike anything I have seen. I do like the appearance of nice texture and color when viewed from a distance. I snapped a few pics this morning. My wife deemed this her tree, so she picked out the only one with 3 trunks, so it's not quite true to form. But next time I am out at my friends growing field, I will take pictures of his oldest trees of this un-named variety.