2 years ago - we planted a fig tree for my torts - they love the leaves. It had a spring and summer fruit bearing period, although the last fruit period the figs stayed the green color. We cut it back almost all the way to the ground and mulched it for the winter. It came back very nicely and bigger - this past winter we didn't cut it back, not did we mulch it. We are seeing new growth at the ground level - my question is... should we go ahead and cut the limbs that look dead?(about 4-5' each limb) or do we leave the limbs and they will sprout new leaves on the dead looking branches? Another quick question.... do I cut back my hardy hibiscus the same way. I'm seeing new growth at the ground level but no where else. Thanks for the advice in advance.......
I will suggest to leave it undisturbed for a couple or so more weeks. This should not cause any problem to the tree beacuse if the limbs have life they will sprout; and if the limbs are dead then new shoots should come from the ground and these will not be seriously delayed by leaving the limbs for a while.
Hi there, if the leafing stage has begun, then prune back the dead limb pronto... in Vancouver the foliage is just sprouting, and the winter die back is evident... You want to reduce any sap loss while you can...