Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question, but I've done a search on this site and on Google and I haven't found anything much about African violets making seeds. One of mine is about to bloom, and if it's possible, I'm hoping it'll make seeds. Does it need to be hand-pollinated? Can I pollinate a flower with another flower from the same plant? Will it be hard on the plant, and will it even work? If anyone has any information about African Violets making seeds, it would be most helpful. Thanks for reading! :)
Yup, it can be done. Not sure if you have to cross polinate though =/ but that would be my guess. The reason why you don't hear many people (online or in books) talk about growing them from seed is probably because they're so easy to grow from leaf cuttings and they probably mature faster using that method than from seed to boot. Still, you can always cross polinate the plants and play around with the colours and leave shapes and all that if you like. Good luck! Ryan
Yes you can hand pollinate them I dont thinik you have to cross pollinate. The seeds will be extremely small... Like a fine powder there is some usefull info on this site... and this one...
Thanks for your help! :) I decided to just try the leaf cutting method, so hopefully I'll be able to grow some baby plants sooner or later.