This Lilac has serious issues :) It doesn't bloom or bud, but it's leaves start off the season ok but then this happens. Is it mold or what? I tried a mold spray last year and it didn't make a difference, but maybe I need a specific kind? It doesn't get enough sun (only 3 hours?) so that is why I assumed mold and why it wasn't blooming. Any ideas? Thanks!
Powdery mildew. Unsightly, but it doesn't do any serious damage to the plant. Yes, more sun would help, lilacs need full sun to flower well.
is there good air circulation in the spot where the lilac is? i've found that decent air movement keeps the powdery mildew down a bit. if it's very rainy for a long time, there doesn't seem to be much that can be done about it though. good sunlight is also important - especially when it's rainy as it'll help dry the leaves off and that will keep the mildew from getting started.
There really isn't good circulation. It's against the garage. And rain, well, it hasn't stopped for 2 months it feels like. Thanks for helping!