Hello, Can anyone determine whether or not the grapes belonging to these leaves are safe to eat? Almost all of the leaves from this grape vine are similar to the pictures below. The top of the leaves have bumps and the underside of the leaves have a white foamy substance attached to it. This grape vine has been like this since day one (several years). I was also wondering if there is any treatment I can give the grape vine to cure it from this disease? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
hi. Did anyone ever answer that persons question. My grape leaves look just like those and it's the exact thing I signed up to ask about. Thank you.
A quick search of Google images brings up Colomerus vitis, the grapeleaf blister mite, as the likely suspect. I've had these on my grapes some years, but they don't seem to be a serious problem. I haven't done anything about them except to pick off the worst affected leaves.
what vitog said +1. I've read several articles about this. It's a common problem. The critters make the leaves unsightly but there's nothing wrong with eating the grapes.
Hi, yes it's grape leaf blister mite and is controlled with spraying the underside of the leaves early to mid season with Kumulus or other sulfur sprays. Manual spot picking of affected leaves late in the season works if you are no longer spraying.