Hello all, I'd just like to start by thanking you all for volunteering your time to help people like me who are not as knowledgable about plants enjoy them. It is very greatly appreciated. I have been scouring the internet in order to diagnose my ficus problem but I have not come up with anything that seems to fit. I over-watered it recently (no more than a month ago) and just re-potted it seems to be recovering from that very well. A little while after I over-watered it strange spots started appearing on the leaves. There are large black blotches as well as small reddish spots which do not come off the leaves when scratched or picked at (they seem to be slight depressions in the leaf, not bumps, and I think some of them have become tiny holes). New leaves seem relatively unaffected. I have found no bugs. Attached are pictures, 1) a new leaf with this problem, 2) an older leaf with spots, 3/4) a leaf with the small spots and black blotches, 5) a leaf with a hole. If there is any more information that I can provide which will help you, please let me know. Any information or direction would be greatly appreciated. I really don't want to lose this plant. Thankyou.
Ficus care in winter in Canada; Bright filtered light, away from cold windows and drafts. water enough to moisten soil and keep humidity at a reasonable level. Expect some leaf drop. When spring rolls around, fertilize with a balanced analysis time release fertilizer and water a little more often.
Thanks for the tips on growing a ficus. So, should I be pulling off the infected leaves so it doesn't spread to the rest of the plant? Or do you think it's not fungus but insects?
The first picture looks like the early stages of damage from thrips - the small spots being feces and the dessicated section from feeding. I've lost ficus to thrips in the past so it's something to be watchful for. Here's some good info http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7429.html