Hi, We live in the Clearwater section of Florida. We have a Robelini Palm, three trunks. One of them has leaves that are yellowed AND have dark brown circles on the leaves. These circles look like burn marks. They are not on the new growth leaves but on ones that have been "out" for a while. One other trunk is 100% healthy and the third has a few damaged leaves. The tree is and has been fertilized properly so I do not think it is a nutirtion problem. It looks like some kind of disease. Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Alan 1, I Have the same problem with my Robelini Palms, as you discribed in your December 2006 message. Yellowed leaves on the older leaves. I know it is nor normal because I also have totally healthy ones. Did anybody give you some useful tips? Thanks. Viajera
Hi, A local gardener told me I had a condition called leaf spot. They sprayed it with a chemical (only avaiable comercially in quantiy here in Florida) and they spots dissapeared in about 10 days - very cool! The one plant is still a bit yellow and it has been fertilized. Someone told me I need to treat it with a micronutrient. Thanks for the help. Alan
Alan, Thank you very much for your quick reply. A chemical, hm... which one? A micro-nutrient. What is that exactly mean? Thanks. Viajera
The chemical was a fungcide. I will ask him which one. A micro-nutr. is some kind of concentrated fertilizer. I just used a bunch of palm fertilizer (maganese) and it looks about 80% healthy...and getting back to normal.
Hi Alan, I live in Tampa and have the exact same problem as yours with my Roebelenii Palm. Did you ever find the cure? Thanks, Majid