Everything's in the rainforests and they're being clearing away, the genetic resources alone being lost...it's staggering.
This brings to mind the movie Medicine Man. I don't think I will ever forget the end of the movie. The reality of the situation hit me very hard. The message was very loud and very clear. A "simple" act of man can do untold damage. We perhaps will never know just how much damage we have done and will do in the future.
On a similiar thread.... Jewels of the jungle ( Dr. Gary Strobel's adventures for plant medicines ) Part 1: http://www.lifeonterra.com/episode.php?id=66 Part 2: http://www.lifeonterra.com/episode.php?id=67 Part 3: http://www.lifeonterra.com/episode.php?id=68 ALL from... Terra, the nature of our World, (Home page): http://www.lifeonterra.com/index.php
Does anybody know whan and by whom the art of "plant breeding, Out-Cross Pollination" was discovered? Thank You - Esrog