This succulent looking plant, grows fast and tall, then falls over reroots and grows up again. The stems have horizontal lives every inch or so and the the giant leaves develop in 2's. I thought it might be a kalanchoe but maybe not. Any Ideas?
wow! this is the very same plant i've been trying to ID. Dinosaur plant? I've been using this common name also! it's for sure a dicotyledon, and the leaves are quite succulent. my stem has become more woody, but not completely. It still has the consistency of a jade plant's stem. i never considered kalanchoe, but i can see it in the scalloped, rigid leaf ends. mine doesn't seem to flower. I've had it for about one month short of a year and not one flower has emerged... yours? a UBC user has inclined me to think it's Bitou bush, but i'm still not certain, as that flowers for most of the year and even fruits...yet mine does not.... any help please!!!
You sound like an intelligent user so I will respond to your remarks......i wouldn't use the word woody at all, instead very rubbery and flexible beasue they tend to grow and spread in aches. You know grow 3 feet, fall over, re-root and leave arch shapes everywhere. I got 1, 4 foot tall one to create the start of a tall? flowering shoot once but it got yellow bugs so I killed it. Its a rubbery, invasive, tall, succulent like, symetric - 2 leaved green Dinosaur plant. Anyways...
Infact Tim the picture above on the left has the one that did can see it begin th shoot up narrow and tighten at the top....
ahhhh. the truth lies within the flower... at what time of the year,coilinreltub, was this Dinosaur Plant flowering? and do you believe it would flower again? and woody is incorrect, you are right.. but more woody seems to be an appropriate description of my particular Dinosaur Plant - the stems on some of yours are hardening, somewhat, near the bottom of the trunk, similar to mine nice aloes very interesting...