It looks like a 'Starling' Daylily to me. I found an exact match (different color) for it in a Perennial plant book. So hoping that I have it correct.
Definitely not Hemerocallis.Common name Daylily.,cf.osb&fp=c84457e78e22c2fd&biw=960&bih=485 Hemerocalis Starling is a just one of many named cultivar of daylily, one with very deep red flowers. The plant growth habit does look like Dierama. However, I do not think they come in colours of yellow with red centres. Possibly Ixia.
I have been reading a lot on this site about edible plants lately, that none of us are completely sure about. In reading the thread...I see that none of us are sure about this one either ( yet ) until someone who knows what type for sure it is, so the only thing that struck me and maybe I will get slammed for this idea...don't put in your mouth and eat it! LOL ;)