Yesterday I photographed this flower which I have identified as Dianthus sylvestris. However, the flower on the first 4 photographs was growing together with the plants on the following phototgraphs. Elevation 1030 m in shady possition. Assuming that Dianthus is correct, then I would like to know the ID of the flower on first 4 photographs.
Dianthus sylvaticus is synonym of Dianthus seguieri, which is not listed for your area. It grows to the north from your place. And yes, both plants belong to Dianthus. Can't tell from the picture the species, though. The differences are too subtle.
Hi Andrey, I have just checked Flora Italiana site and this flower seems to be Dianthus sylvestris Wulfen. This is found in my area. I will check the sp. seguieri. Thanks always, duffy