This is for the Older Gardener ;)) Remember back when the only Daff your Grandmother grew was the King Alfred, the only narcissis was Ol' Pheasant Eye and the only Dianthus was called a "Pink". I wanted to get some of the OLD "pinks" and after a couple of yrs. searching nurseries and such gave up and literally had to go "back yard hunting" to find a plant. Does any one know the proper name for this Old pink? It has blue green folage, a prolific grower, double, pink flowers with tiny burgundy spots in the throat, and smells like a fully stocked spice drawer? barb
Barbara, there is a book sold in the U.K. title .... "Dianthus Old Fashioned Pinks" See link below. Also in the U.K.there is a scheme NCCPG... National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens. Small nurseries or private people agree to have the national collection of a particular plant.. such as Dianthus. Two are listed as having old fashioned pinks You may like to browse their lists or even contact them. They are the real experts. Once you get some names, you can try and find the plants in the USA! Hope this helps.